REN21 Launches Inaugural Asia Report
On 22 October, during a side event at the 8th International Renewable Energy Conference (KIREC Seoul 2019), REN21 launched its inaugural Asia and the Pacific Renewable Energy Status Report. The report, which was produced in cooperation with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia-Pacific (UNESCAP), provides an overview of renewable energy trends and developments in selected countries across five sub-regions of Asia and the Pacific.
"For the first time, REN21 and its partners have assembled data from 18 Asia-Pacific countries that cover 52% of the world’s population, 88% of the region’s population, and account for 39% of global energy supply - and this share is growing," Peter du Pont, Managing Partner at ACE Partners, said in his closing remarks. "The importance of this report is that it forms a public record on how we are doing on renewable energy across this large and important region—a region that is ground zero for efforts to scale up clean energy and to decarbonize the energy system."
The report was developed in an open and transparent manner. Data were collected from representatives of the public and private sectors across the selected countries. A key facet of REN21’s approach is the engagement of local actors to build a culture of reporting and information for the renewable energy industry, that can supplement available global datasets with current information and insights about issues with renewable energy and energy efficiency deployment at the local level.
Mark Lister, Managing Partner at ACE Partners, was a key contributor to the Report’s Regional Overview and Investment Trends chapters.
"The Asia Pacific region is a global leader in renewable energy, however, the deployment of
renewables and the transition to clean energy remain slower than required to achieve global climate change and clean energy objectives." Mark explained. "It is important for policymakers and industry to have a clear picture of current progress, to understand where gaps and opportunities lie, and to be able to further their actions. The REN21 report was developed to provide the current status of renewable energy in the region, and to serve as a key input in efforts to accelerate clean energy transition in Asia Pacific."
Read Peter du Pont’s full closing remarks here.
Download the full report here.