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We have delivered a number of high value-added services to our clients.  Download our Corporate qualification here.

Our portfolio includes: 


Clean Energy Project Assessments

The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) is a foreign assistance agency that delivers its program commitments through grants and contracts. USTDA requires services to support its decision-making relative to the funding of activities to support Energy Opportunities in South and Southeast Asia (including Indonesia).


ACE Partners—together with its partners, Energy Markets Group, provides preliminary project assessments for 10 project proposals and recommends 10 activities for USTDA funding consideration of feasibility studies, technical assistance activities, and /or pilot projects in the energy sector (including, solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, hydropower, waste-to-energy, biofuels, electricity transmission and distribution, smart grid, distributed energy resources, energy efficiency, energy storage, carbon capture, hydrogen, electric vehicles, and traditional energy and power projects).


Green Finance and ESG Solutions Assessment for the Manufacturing Sector in Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam

The Mekong Sustainability Manufacturing Alliance (MSMA) program is a 3-year USAID-funded alliance, led by the Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC), with the principal aim of strengthening the lower Mekong region as a competitive and environmentally sustainable manufacturing hub, driving private-sector adoption of improved environmental and social safeguards by factories in the food processing, electronics, and textiles sectors. The program will focus primarily on Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam, with both country-specific and region-wide activities, and an emphasis not on increased compliance but on the business opportunities for these sectors from taking a more concerted approach to sustainable manufacturing practices.

ACE Partners has been retained to develop a landscape assessment in each country of the financing opportunities available for the manufacturing sector to advance environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. In parallel to this, a similar landscape assessment was also conducted with a focus on locally appropriate solutions to improve factory ESG performance. This will allow ISC and MSMA stakeholders to understand the ESG context, priorities, and financing needs of manufacturers in each of the target countries, potential solutions for improving ESG performance, and the barriers that factory owners face to further action.


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Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) 

The Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN), hosted jointly by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP), is a global network of clean energy financing experts that provide free mentoring to project developers and link them to investors. Since its inception in 2006, PFAN has helped raise $2 billion for clean energy and climate change projects globally.


ACE Partners works with UNIDO and REEEP in supporting PFAN's programs and activities across 12 countries in the Asia region, providing business coaching, investment-readiness technical services, and investor introduction and matchmaking to clean energy and climate projects.



Assistance on Design and Roll-out of Southeast Asia Energy Transition Partnership (SEA-ETP) and Tara programme

The Energy Transition Partnership (ETP) is a multi-stakeholder platform that strives to deliver joint action, improved dialogue, and coordination among donors with the aim to accelerate the energy transition by addressing policy, financial, and knowledge barriers to renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable infrastructures in the region. ETP was guided by funders through an Interim Steering Committee and an Interim Secretariat hosted by the European Climate Foundation. The Tara initiative is a separate program administered by the Foundation, which aims to engage clean energy actors across the region towards aligned goals and more enabling policy environments.


ACE Partners played a pivotal role in facilitating effective communication and outreach efforts for both the Tara and ETP initiatives. Our support encompassed various aspects, including stakeholder engagement, website design, data analysis, market assessment research, and the development of well-designed interventions.


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Asia Clean Energy Forum 

The Asia Clean Energy Forum (ACEF) is one of Asia's leading clean energy events, and it is held each June at the Asian Development Bank's (ADB) Headquarters in Manila. ACE Partners' Co-CEO Peter du Pont has supported ADB in the design and the conduct of ACEF since its founding in 2007, and ACE Partners has provided a support team for ACEF since 2008. For the past three years (2020-2022), ACE Partners transformed ACEF to a virtual format, delivering the same level of quality and value that ACEF is known for while ensuring the safety and health of the participants, reducing costs, eliminating the usual greenhouse gas emissions associated with a physical event, and improving convenience and accessibility. As the event resumes in physical format in 2023, ACE Partners continues to support ADB, convening clean energy practitioners from across the region under the theme "Navigating toward a Carbon-Neutral Future through Clean Energy Solutions."



Coordination of Cool Coalition

The Cool Coalition is a flagship collaboration between UNEP, the Clean Cooling Collaborative, and other leading cooling organizations. It is a global multi-stakeholder network and platform that connects a wide range of key actors from government, cities, international organizations, businesses, finance, academia, and civil society groups to facilitate knowledge exchange, advocacy, and joint action toward a rapid global transition to efficient and climate-friendly cooling. Cool Coalition members are collaborating on science, policy, finance, and technology to meet growing demands for cooling in a comprehensive manner, all aimed at raising climate ambition in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals while complementing the goals of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and Paris Climate Agreement.

ACE Partners assisted with coordinating different Cool Coalition workstreams and developing governance arrangements and overall funding mechanisms and strategies for the platform.


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Communication strategy and support to the implementation of communication activities for the Clean Affordable Secure Energy for Southeast Asia (CASE) Programme

GIZ is implementing its Clean, Affordable, and Sustainable Energy for Southeast Asia (CASE) programme from 2020 to 2024. CASE intends to change the narrative in the power sector in SEA towards an evidence-based energy transition, aiming to increase ambition with regard to climate change.


ACE Partners—together with its partner, Edelman—is helping to design regional and national communication strategies with sound and measurable action plans in order to raise awareness across different target groups (energy stakeholders, non-energy stakeholders, and the general public) around the question of energy transition and the necessity for Southeast Asian countries to move toward an energy system ensuring dynamic economic growth while being compatible with increased ambitions with regard to climate change.



USAID South Asia Regional Energy Program (SAREP)

The purpose of the South Asia Regional Energy Partnership (SAREP) is to improve access to affordable, secure, reliable, and sustainable energy for all in South Asia through expanded, transparent, and efficient markets for energy services, products, and resources. SAREP will support accelerated economic development, self-reliance, livelihoods, health, and productivity throughout the region. ACE Partners—together with its partner, RTI— works with USAID/India to enhance coordination among the initiative’s various stakeholders, leads SAREP communication and outreach efforts


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