Thought Leader Interview: Understanding the Role of RECs and Carbon Credits in Decarbonization
This interview was originally published on the Southeast Asia Information Platform for the Energy Transition.
The SIPET Editorial Team recently caught up with Mr. Roble Velasco-Rosenheim on the sidelines of the inaugural event of the Southeast Asia Corporate Decarbonization Exchange (CDx) in Bangkok during 1-2 October 2024. He is the Director of Partnerships and APAC Markets at the International Tracking Standard Foundation (I-TRACK Foundation), and founder of SuSca Group. With more than a decade of experience in clean energy across Asia, Mr. Velasco-Rosenheim has been pivotal in helping organizations to source and get credits for renewable electricity, and to improve their emissions reporting. His insights into Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) highlighted both the potential they provide, and the challenges they present, for corporate decarbonization.
